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Moving In the Gift Of Knowledge DVD Review

Title of DVD: Moving in the Word of Knowledge

Speaker: David Tomberlin

Ministry: Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural

Price: $20.00 www.sidroth.org

Primary Audience/age group: Those interested in operating in the word of knowledge

Recommended: Yes

Rating: 3 out of 5 points

Description: This DVD will help you learn the Biblical foundations for the word of knowledge and how to operate in it.

Review: David Tomberlin helps the viewer to see the Biblical foundations for operating in the word of knowledge. He sites instances in the old testament where the word of knowledge was used. He points out the different types of word of knowledge—directional, salvation, sanctification among others.

Tomberlin presents the what (what is the word of knowledge), why (why operate in the word of knowledge) and how (to function in the word of knowledge). This DVD is helpful for those who are seeking a level of understanding about the word of knowledge. It is a good starting tool. But if you are more versed in this gift this DVD will not be of help to you.

Tomberlin throws in too many testimonials—experiences that come to him at the spur of the moment…which is distracting for those who want to learn more concretely what they need to do to flow in this gift. His presentation is not very organized and for those who like teachings to be organized this DVD will be hard to follow for he starts thoughts and then goes on to different thoughts.

Is this DVD a good buy for the price? No I think it is overpriced. It would have been more beneficial if Tomberlin expanded on the types of words of knowledge rather than mention them briefly. And if he would have had some of the audience start to move in the word of knowledge to illustrate how to press in to the Lord to get a word of knowledge.

Moving in the word of knowledge is a helpful tool for those who are not familiar with the word of knowledge at all…and wish to start to learn.


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To purchase this item now visit www.sidroth.org code 1204.

Ratings: 3 of 5 stars

Recommendation: Smart-at-Home recommends this DVD especially for individuals who are beginning to learn about the word of knowledge.

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