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Why Are There So Many Sick Among Us? (Part V)

Many Christians settle for part of the provisions God has made for his people. They believe that God could save them but not that he wants to heal them. Jesus asked a powerful question in Mark 2:9, which is easier to say that your sins are forgiven or to say arise and walk.

Both are easy…because Christ already did the hard work!

The dual provision of God’s healing

When Christ died he provided for both our spiritual and physical healing according to Isaiah 53:5.  Christ purchased this for us (1 Cor. 6:20). The two are to go hand in hand. Jesus demonstrated this when he healed the man who was sick with palsy.  This man received forgiveness for his sins and he was completely healed (Mark 2:5; Matt. 9:2).

We (believers) should always see our two-fold deliverance in Jesus—and we should also expect it.

If Christ took on our infirmities and bore our diseases (Matthew 8:17), why then should be bare them? If he has carried away our grief’s and sorrows why then should we hold on to them?

The word of God is clear—Jesus Christ bore them for us—he carried them away, therefore we are redeemed from them. We needn’t bear them again ourselves. And if we insist on carrying them—to learn patience, to be disciplined, because the days of miracles have passed, to pay penance, because it is not God’s will, then Christ didn’t need to die—and he did not need to bear our infirmities—it was truly a waste.

To read the other parts of the series please click the link.

Part I What is God’s will for us concerning healing?

Part II Do you believe?

Part III How does faith factor in?

Part IV Are there conditions for healing?

Part VI When you were saved you were healed

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